Neuroscience 2023 - EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Research Publications
Neuroscience 2023 - EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Research Publications
Neuroscience 2023 Publications EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Research
Neuroscience Meeting 2023
Neuroscience 2023 Washington DC
Scientists from around the world will congregate at Neuroscience 2023 to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer.
Dates: Saturday, November 11–Wednesday, November 15
Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.

Brain connectivity Emotion Regulation EEG Neurofeedback
EEG-fMRI publications - Neuroscience 2023
Dehghani A, Soltanian-Zadeh H, Hossein-Zadeh GA. (2023) Probing fMRI brain connectivity and activity changes during emotion regulation by EEG neurofeedback. Front Hum Neurosci. 2023;16:988890.

Wireless EEG A survey of systems and studies
EEG LiveAmp publications - Neuroscience 2023
Guiomar Niso, Elena Romero, Jeremy T. Moreau, Alvaro Araujo, Laurens R. Krol (2022) Wireless EEG: An Survey of Systems and Studies, NeuroImage (2022), doi:

Alpha‐Mu and Beta Oscillations Walking Sync task
Joanna E.M. Scanlon, Nadine S.J. Jacobsen, Marike C. Maack, Stefan Debener (2022) Stepping in time: Alpha-mu and beta oscillations during a walking synchronization task. Neuroimage 253:119099. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119099.

Mobile EEG Outdoor Oddball walking and Sync Task
Joanna E.M. Scanlon, Nadine S.J. Jacobsen, Marike C. Maack, Stefan Debener, Outdoor walking: Mobile EEG dataset from walking during oddball task and walking synchronization task, Data in Brief, Volume 46, 2023, 108847,

The reality of virtual reality - Mobile EEG Live Amp
Schöne B, Kisker J, Lange L, Gruber T, Sylvester S and Osinsky R (2023) The reality of virtual reality. Front. Psychol. 14:1093014.

Operator State in a Workplace Eye-Blink Related EEG Activity
E. Alyan, E. Wascher, S. Arnau, R. Kaesemann and J. E. Reiser (2023) Operator State in a Workplace Simulation Modulates Eye-Blink Related EEG Activity. in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 1167-1179, 2023,

Neuroscience 2023 publications
Pichiorri, F., Toppi, J., de Seta, V. et al. Exploring high-density corticomuscular networks after stroke to enable a hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for hand motor rehabilitation. J NeuroEngineering Rehabil 20, 5 (2023).

Right inferior frontal gyrus damage initiation of inhibitory control - EEG-fMRI
Choo et al.Choo et al. (2022) Right inferior frontal gyrus damage is associated with impaired initiation of inhibitory control, but not its implementation eLife 2022;11:e79667. DOI:

Trigeminal stimulation Bimodal odor EEG NIRS fNIRS NeuroImage
Christine Ida Hucke, Rebekka Margret Heinen, Edmund Wascher, Christoph van Thriel (2023) Trigeminal stimulation is required for neural representations of bimodal odor localization: A time-resolved multivariate EEG and fNIRS study, NeuroImage, Volume 269, 2023, 119903, ISSN 1053-8119,

Mismatch negativity Music perception Cochlear implant users A spike density component analysis study
Haumann. Niels Trusbak; Petersen. Bjørn; Friis Andersen. Anne Sofie; Faulkner. Kathleen F; Brattico. Elvira; Vuust. Peter (2023) Mismatch negativity as a marker of music perception in individual cochlear implant users: A spike density component analysis study. Clinical Neurophysiology. Vol 147

Narcissism and the perception of failure EEG ERP
Mück M, Mattes A, Porth E, and Stahl J. (2023) Narcissism and the perception of failure – evidence from the error-related negativity and the error positivity. Personality Neuroscience. Vol 6: e2, 1–14.

Negativity peak amplitudes for accuracy versus speed instructions
Mattes, A., Porth, E., Niessen, E. et al. Larger error negativity peak amplitudes for accuracy versus speed instructions may reflect more neuro-cognitive alignment, not more intense error processing. Sci Rep 13, 2259 (2023).

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers
BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.