Jackson Cionek

Junior Full Stack Developer Curitiba Parana Brazil - Thomas Cionek

Junior Full Stack Developer Curitiba Parana Brazil - Thomas Cionek

Junior Full Stack Developer Curitiba Parana Brazil Thomas-Cionek
Junior Full Stack Developer Curitiba Parana Brazil Thomas-Cionek

I'm a Full-Stack Developer with a year of experience at Alude.

I spent 4 years in Poland, studying Computer Science and working with people from all over the World. It was awesome! I had some difficult times, but mostly it granted great experience and confidence.

Now, I'm looking for a new job where I can keep learning new things and working in a collaborative environment.

I'm good at Python and JavaScript, but I'm always eager to learn new technologies and tools. I'm also a whiz with Linux computers, since I've used them for almost 10 years.

At Alude, I worked mostly customizing React components and implementing functionalities for Python libraries.

Because of my experience and my love of learning, I'm really interested in a job where I can use all my skills, both for the web and behind the scenes. I'm always looking to get better!

I can absolutely work from home and take on freelance jobs if that helps!

Practical experience and level of knowledge in the programs below:

1. Python: Worked with back-end applications, utilizing Flask and Pydantic, and engagingly implemented back-end library functionalities.

2. JavaScript: Interactively customized React components from Ant Design based on the product models of Figma.

3. PostgreSQL: Actively interacted with the database when working with PostgreSQL.

4. Linux: Proficient in various operating systems, with a solid foundation in Linux, having used various distributions for nearly 10 years, showcasing extensive experience with Linux systems.

5. Agile methodology: Worked in Scrum methodology, participating in Code Reviews, product and team retrospectives meetings, reflecting experience with Agile practices.

6. React: Interactively customized React components from Ant Design based on the product models of Figma.

7. Ant Design: Besides many other important React libraries, had direct contact with Ant Design, an influential UI library, based on the product models of Figma, a popular UX design tool.

8. Font Awesome: Apart from Ant Design, selected elements that better suited the design.

9. TypeScript: Worked with TypeScript in React, ensuring type safety.

10. Vim: Alongside Linux, integrated and customized many keybindings in the system.

11. Workflow: Alongside Vim, customized and devised better ways to enhance productivity.

12. Front End: Engagingly customized front-end React components with new functionalities, designs, and adjustments, showcasing creativity and proficiency in front-end development.


Systems Analyst Developer Curitiba Parana Brazil -  Thomas Cionek

The .NET frameworks is a powerful development stack that can be used in conjunction with other technologies to build robust and scalable applications. While Python, React, and PostgreSQL are popular technologies in their own right, they can be integrated with .NET to build full-stack applications that meet the needs of modern businesses.


1. Python

2. JavaScript

3. PostgreSQL

4. Linux

5. Agile methodology

6. React

7. Ant Design

8. Font Awesome

9. TypeScript

10. Vim

11. Workflow

12. Front End


1. "Exploring the Power of Python and TypeScript React in Full Stack Development"

* [freeCodeCamp's Full Stack JavaScript Course](https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/front-end-libraries/react/)

* [freeCodeCamp's JavaScript Certification](https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/)

* [CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript](https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/)

* [The Odin Project's Full Stack JavaScript Curriculum](https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/full-stack-javascript)

2. "Enhancing Development Efficiency with Linux as Your Operating System"

* [Linux Essentials for Web Developers](https://www.udacity.com/course/linux-essentials-for-web-developers--ud292)

* [Linux Academy's Linux Fundamentals Course](https://linuxacademy.com/linux-training/course/linux-fundamentals)

* [Linux Journey's Interactive Learning Platform](https://linuxjourney.com/)

3. "Optimizing Coding Workflow with Vim and Efficient Shortcuts"

* [Vim Adventures](https://vim-adventures.com/)

* [Open Vim](https://openvim.com/)

* [Vim Tutor](https://www.openvim.com/tutorial.html)

4. "Mastering PostgreSQL Integration in Your Full Stack Projects"

* [PostgreSQL: The Complete Guide](https://www.udacity.com/course/postgresql-the-complete-guide--ud198)

* [PostgreSQL Tutorial](https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/)

* [PostgreSQL Fundamentals](https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/postgresql-fundamentals)

5. "Incorporating Font Awesome Icons and Ant Design for Visual Appeal in Front End Development"

* [Font Awesome Icons and CSS](https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-design/css-flexbox/use-font-awesome-icons-in-your-css-flexbox-layouts/)

* [Ant Design System](https://ant.design/docs/react/introduce)

* [React and Ant Design Tutorial](https://www.udemy.com/course/ant-design-react-tutorial/)



[1] https://www.simplilearn.com/learn-full-stack-development-free-skillup

[2] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/learn-full-stack-web-development-free-courses-certificates-h-v-9rfkc

[3] https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-web-development-free-full-stack-developer-courses-for-beginners/

[4] https://www.udemy.com/course/full-stack-development-course-for-beginners/

[5] https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=full+stack+web+development

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States