Jackson Cionek

The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, EEG and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS tomography, Turbo-Satori real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy

The Human Mind, Physiology and Behavior, EEG and Behavior - NIRS fNIRS tomography, Turbo-Satori real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy

The Human Mind Physiology and Behavior EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS
The Human Mind Physiology and Behavior EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS

Libertad de conciencia para los latinoamericanos
Libertad de conciencia para los latinoamericanos

The human mind and its interplay with physiology and behavior is a vast and intricate topic. When discussing this relationship, EEG (electroencephalography) can serve as a useful tool to link neural activity with behavior. Let's explore these topics in more detail:


1. The Human Mind and Physiology:

Brain Structure and Function: Different parts of the brain are responsible for different cognitive functions and behaviors. For instance, the prefrontal cortex is involved in decision-making and executive functions, while the amygdala plays a role in emotional processing.

Neurotransmitters: These chemical messengers, like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, play vital roles in mood, motivation, and overall cognitive function. Their imbalance can lead to various psychiatric disorders.

2. EEG (Electroencephalography):

Overvew: EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp. It captures the combined activity of thousands of neurons and presents it in the form of wave patterns.

Brain Waves: EEG recordings show different types of brain waves, each associated with different states of consciousness:

Delta Waves: Deep sleep

Theta Waves: Light sleep or meditation

Alpha Waves: Relaxed alertness

Beta Waves: Active, analytical thought

Gamma Waves: Associated with perception and consciousness

3. EEG and Behavior:

Cognitive Tasks: EEG can be used to study cognitive processes. For example, event-related potentials (ERPs) are specific patterns in the EEG signal that occur in response to a particular stimulus or event. Researchers often use ERPs to study processes like attention, perception, and decision-making.

Emotion and Mood: EEG patterns can change based on a person's emotional state. For instance, increased alpha wave activity in the left frontal cortex is associated with positive emotions, while increased activity in the right is associated with negative emotions.

Sleep Studies: EEG is crucial in sleep research. It helps classify different stages of sleep based on the brainwave patterns observed.

Clinical Diagnostics: EEG is used to diagnose various neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, by identifying abnormal brainwave patterns.

4. Behavior:

Neural Basis of Behavior: Understanding how brain activity (often studied through tools like EEG) corresponds to behavior is a fundamental question in neuroscience. For example, certain patterns of neural activity can predict whether a person will remember a piece of information.

Feedback Loops: The brain receives feedback about its decisions and actions, allowing for adjustments and learning. Tools like real-time EEG (or neurofeedback) can be used to train individuals to modulate their brain activity, potentially leading to changes in behavior or cognitive processes.

In summary, the relationship between the human mind, physiology, and behavior is intricate and multidimensional. EEG serves as a window into the workings of the brain, providing valuable insights into how neural activity underlies cognition and behavior.

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive imaging technique used to measure and visualize changes in the blood oxygenation in the cortex. By illuminating the scalp with near-infrared light and measuring the reflected light, fNIRS can estimate the concentration changes of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in the brain. These changes are closely related to neural activity, making fNIRS a tool for studying brain function.

Here's a brief overview of fNIRS and the mentioned software:

fNIRS (Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy):

Principle: fNIRS operates on the principle that oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin have different absorption spectra in the near-infrared range. By shining near-infrared light into the brain and measuring the amount of light that's either absorbed or scattered back, fNIRS can infer changes in blood oxygenation.


Non-invasive: No radiation or harmful effects.

Portable: fNIRS devices are more compact than MRI machines, making them suitable for a wider range of applications.

Less sensitive to motion: Compared to techniques like fMRI, fNIRS is less sensitive to minor head movements, making it particularly useful for studying populations who might find it difficult to remain still, such as infants or certain patient groups.


Spatial resolution: While fNIRS offers decent spatial resolution, it's not as high as that of fMRI.

Depth: fNIRS primarily measures cortical activity and doesn't capture deep brain structures.

Turbo-Satori Software:

Turbo-Satori is one of the software tools available for real-time analysis of fNIRS data. As of my last training data (January 2022), here are some aspects to note:

Real-time analysis: One of the main features of Turbo-Satori is its capability for real-time data processing, which is crucial for biofeedback applications or experiments where immediate analysis is needed.

User-friendly interface: The software typically provides a user-friendly interface with visualization tools to display the data in a meaningful way.

Versatility: Turbo-Satori, like other fNIRS software packages, is designed to be compatible with various fNIRS devices and to support a range of experimental designs.

Advanced Analysis: It can offer features like artifact removal, statistical analysis, and data export capabilities.

When choosing software for fNIRS analysis, researchers should consider the specific needs of their study, the compatibility with their hardware, and the features provided by the software. If Turbo-Satori or any other software is being considered, it's recommended to check the official website or resources of the software provider for the most up-to-date information and features.

Antonio Damasio is a renowned neuroscientist whose work has significantly impacted our understanding of the human mind, especially the relationship between emotions, feelings, and decision-making. Damasio's theories challenge the traditional dichotomy between emotion and reason, positing that emotions play a fundamental role in high-level cognition and decision-making.

Here are some key ideas and contributions from Damasio's work regarding the human mind:

1. The Somatic Marker Hypothesis:

One of Damasio's most influential theories is the "somatic marker hypothesis." This theory proposes that emotional processes guide behavior and decision-making. According to this hypothesis, "somatic markers" are feelings in the body that are associated with emotions, and these markers can serve as shortcuts for making decisions. Rather than meticulously weighing every option with logical reasoning, these somatic markers help in quickly identifying options that may result in positive or negative outcomes based on past experiences.

2. Distinction between Emotions and Feelings:

Damasio makes a clear distinction between "emotions" and "feelings." In his framework:

Emotions are complex, largely automatic processes that arise in response to certain stimuli. They can be manifested as physiological changes, such as an increased heart rate or facial expressions.

Feelings, on the other hand, are the conscious experience of emotions. They are the mental representations of what's happening in our bodies when we experience emotions.

3. Role of the Insula:

In his studies, Damasio has highlighted the importance of the insular cortex (or insula) in the process of feelings. The insula plays a pivotal role in converting the body's internal state (which may be driven by emotions) into conscious feelings.

4. Importance of Emotions in Reasoning:

Contrary to the traditional view that sees emotions as irrational disturbances to clear thinking, Damasio argues that emotions and the feelings that arise from them are crucial for rational decision-making. The absence of emotional input, as observed in some brain-damaged patients, can impair the ability to make good decisions.

5. Emotions, Consciousness, and the Self:

Damasio also delves into the nature of consciousness and the sense of self. He suggests that our sense of self stems from a continuous narrative we tell ourselves, which is grounded in our embodied experiences and emotions.

6. Books:

Damasio has articulated his theories in several influential books, including:

"Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain" – This book critiques the separation of emotion and reason, arguing that emotions are essential for rational thinking.

"The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness" – Here, Damasio explores the nature of feelings and their role in consciousness.

"Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain" – This book delves into the construction of the sense of self in the brain.

In summary, Antonio Damasio's work underscores the importance of emotions in the workings of the human mind. He provides a nuanced perspective that integrates emotion and reason, shedding light on the intricate web of processes that constitute our thoughts, decisions, and consciousness.

Neuroscience Lab | Neurobiology Part 1

Neurobiology Part 1

Neuroscience Lab | Neurobiology Part 2

Neurobiology Part 2

NIRS acquisition in surgical | NIRS Data Analysis

NIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms. Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user-friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout devices. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 

NIRS fNIRS analysis | NIRS Data Analysis

Infants NIRS Studies | NIRS Data Analysis

EEG and Behavior | Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior 1 | Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior

The Human Mind | Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior

Obesidade | Neuroscience 2023

Neuroscience 2023

EEG NIRS for research Neuroscience 2023 EEG Publication EEG ERP EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.



00:00:00 - 02:22:00

Neurobiology Part 1


02:22:00 - 06:16:00

Neurobiology Part 2


06:16:00 - 07:57:00

NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 


07:57:00 - 10:27:00

NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 


10:27:00 - 11:32:00

NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 


11:32:00 - 12:58:00

Physiology and Behavior


12:58:00 - 14:47:00

Physiology and Behavior


14:47:00 - 18:11:00

Physiology and Behavior


18:11:00 - 23:59:00

Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam HighlightsNeuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSNeuroscience 2022 EEG NIRS for researchNeuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERPEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States