Jackson Cionek

Spirituality and Immunology, Mucosal Immunity, Brain Gut Axis, Baby Infant Research - Conciencia Ecológica, Ser Mãe, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil Optical Illusions

Spirituality and Immunology, Mucosal Immunity, Brain Gut Axis, Baby Infant Research - Conciencia Ecológica, Ser Mãe, Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil Optical Illusions 

poor nutrition in the baby alters immunity
poor nutrition in the baby alters immunity

Como a má alimentação no bebe altera a imunidade e simula características de síndromes indesejadas?

Spirituality and Immunology

Psychoneuroimmunology: This is a field that investigates the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems. Some research suggests that spiritual practices like meditation can have a beneficial impact on immune function, possibly through stress reduction.


Mind-Body Connection: Spirituality often emphasizes a strong connection between the mind and body. In line with this, some research explores how spiritual beliefs and practices might influence immune response, potentially via effects on mental health.


Mucosal Immunity

Gut Microbiota: Recent research has highlighted the role of gut microbiota in influencing mucosal immunity. This is a rapidly evolving field, exploring the intricate relationships between gut flora and the immune system.


Nutrition and Immunity: Nutrition plays a crucial role in mucosal immunity, with potential research avenues exploring the impacts of various nutrients on the mucosal immune system, including in infants.


Brain-Gut Axis

Neurogastroenterology: This field explores the complex interactions between the gut and the brain, including how the gut microbiota might influence brain function and behavior.


Mental Health: There has been increasing interest in the potential role of the brain-gut axis in mental health, with research exploring how interventions targeting the gut (e.g., probiotics) might influence mental health outcomes.


Baby/Infant Research

Early Life Experiences: This could encompass a wide array of research topics, from exploring the impacts of early life experiences on later development to understanding the development of the immune system in infancy.


Nutrition and Development: Research in this area might explore how nutrition in infancy influences developmental outcomes, including impacts on the immune system and gut microbiota.


Spiritual Development: This is a more niche area, but research might explore how spiritual development begins in infancy, potentially looking at the early roots of spirituality and its influence on various aspects of development.


When combining these areas, interdisciplinary research might explore questions at the intersections of these fields, for example, how spirituality influences health outcomes via effects on the immune system and the brain-gut axis, or how early life experiences shape the development of the brain-gut axis and immune function.


Spirituality and Immunology | Brain Gut Axis 

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser. Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.

Mucosal Immunity | Brain Gut Axis 

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser. Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.

Brain Gut Axis | Brain Gut Axis

Baby Infant Research | Ser Mãe

Ser Mãe

Baby Infant Research | The Baby's Brain

The Baby's Brain

Baby Infant Research | Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infanti

Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil 1/2

Baby Infant Research | Conciencia Ecológica

Conciencia Ecológica

Optical Illusions | NeuroMagic

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.

Illusions Perception | NeuroMagic

Amazing Science Toys | NeuroMagic



00:00:00 - 02:22:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.


02:22:00 - 05:15:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.


05:15:00 - 08:05:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.


08:05:00 - 11:26:00

Ser Mãe


11:26:00 - 14:19:00

The Baby's Brain


14:19:00 - 16:30:00

Brincadeira e Desenvolvimento infantil 1/2


16:30:00 - 18:07:00

Conciencia Ecológica


18:07:00 - 21:00:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.


21:00:00 - 22:20:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.


22:20:00 - 23:59:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.

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Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States