Jackson Cionek

Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Brain Gut Axis, Microbiota and the Brain - NIRS and Behavior, Functional near-infrared spectroscopy, NIRS fNIRS Course Webinars

Physiology and Behavior, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Brain Gut Axis, Microbiota and the Brain - NIRS and Behavior, Functional near-infrared spectroscopy, NIRS fNIRS Course Webinars 

Como a Microbiota pode mudar nossa cosmovisão, comportamento e percepção?

Neuroscience Physiology Neuroimmunology Brain Gut Axis Microbiota Worldview Behavior Perception
Neuroscience Physiology Neuroimmunology Brain Gut Axis Microbiota Worldview Behavior Perception

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive brain imaging technique that measures changes in oxygenation in the brain. It uses near-infrared light to measure these changes and offers several advantages over other neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG). Below, I'll give an overview of how fNIRS works and how it's used in studies of behavior.

1. How fNIRS Works:

Basic Principle: fNIRS measures the concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and deoxyhemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) in the brain. When a specific area of the brain is activated, there's increased blood flow to that region, resulting in a rise in oxy-Hb and a decrease in deoxy-Hb.

Light Absorption: Near-infrared light (within the range of 650-1000 nm) is passed into the scalp. Some of this light is absorbed by biological tissues, while some are scattered. The amount of light absorbed by oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb differs, allowing for their concentrations to be determined.

Depth: fNIRS primarily measures oxygenation in the cortical regions of the brain, making it suitable for studies focusing on the outer layers of the brain.

2. fNIRS and Behavior:

Cognitive Tasks: fNIRS has been used to study various cognitive tasks, including working memory, attention, and decision-making.

Social Interaction: As fNIRS is less restrictive than fMRI, it has been employed in studies where participants interact with each other in more naturalistic settings.

Developmental Studies: fNIRS is particularly useful in studying infants and young children due to its non-invasive nature and tolerance for movement.

3. Advantages of fNIRS:

Non-invasive: No radiation or strong magnetic fields are involved.

Portability: Some fNIRS systems are portable, allowing for studies outside the lab.

Cost: Generally, fNIRS systems are less expensive than fMRI machines.

Tolerance for Movement: fNIRS is less sensitive to minor movements compared to fMRI, making it suitable for certain populations like children or individuals with specific conditions.

4. Limitations:

Spatial Resolution: While fNIRS provides decent spatial resolution, it's not as precise as fMRI.

Depth: fNIRS primarily measures the cortical surface, not deeper brain structures.

Interference: Factors like hair, skin color, and ambient light can influence fNIRS readings.

5. Future Directions:

Integration with Other Modalities: Combining fNIRS with other techniques like EEG can provide complementary information about brain activity.

Real-world Applications: With advancements in technology, there are ongoing efforts to use fNIRS in real-world settings, such as monitoring fatigue in drivers or assessing workload in various professions.

In summary, fNIRS is a versatile neuroimaging tool that offers a unique combination of spatial and temporal resolution. Its non-invasiveness, portability, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option for various research and applied settings, especially in behavioral studies.

NIRS fNIRS course ICe - UFRN | Neuroscience Centers

Neuroscience Centers


NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS Neurodesenvolvimento NIRS Neurociencia Social y Cognitiva NIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações Clínicas Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscience NIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience Behavior NIRS Publications 

NIRS and Behavior | Physiology and Behavior 

Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior | Physiology and Behavior 

Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior 1 | Physiology and Behavior 

Physiology and Behavior

Estresse e Neuroimunologia | Physiology and Behavior 

Physiology and Behavior

Gut and Brain | Brain Gut Axis

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.

Microbiota and the Brain | Brain Gut Axis

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.



06:35:00 - 13:11:00

NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


00:00:00 - 06:35:00

Neuroscience Centers


13:11:00 - 14:32:00

Physiology and Behavior


14:32:00 - 15:07:00

Physiology and Behavior


15:07:00 - 16:56:00

Physiology and Behavior


16:56:00 - 20:08:00

Physiology and Behavior


20:08:00 - 22:02:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.


22:02:00 - 23:59:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States