Jackson Cionek

Neuroscience of Perception, Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, A Map of the Emotions - Eye Tracking, gaze behavior, Focus Maps, Self Perception True and Fake News

Neuroscience of Perception, Functional Connectivity, Human Connectome, A Map of the Emotions - Eye Tracking, gaze behavior, Focus Maps, Self Perception True and Fake News

Eye Tracking with gauze behavior, Focus Maps detect Self Perception differentiating True and Fake News
Eye Tracking with gauze behavior, Focus Maps detect Self Perception differentiating True and Fake News

Can Eye Tracking with gauze behavior, Focus Maps detect Self Perception differentiating True and Fake News?

The human brain is a highly complex organ, and the last few decades have seen remarkable strides in our understanding of its function, organization, and connectivity. Let's delve into the neuroscience of perception, functional connectivity, the human connectome, and a map of the emotions.

1. Neuroscience of Perception:

Perception is the process by which our brain interprets sensory information to understand and interact with the environment. This involves:

Processing visual information from the retina, auditory information from the cochlea, and sensory information from various receptors throughout the body.

Areas like the primary visual cortex (V1) are crucial for basic visual processing, while more complex interpretations of visual stimuli occur in associative areas.

Similarly, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory information has designated processing areas in the brain.

2. Functional Connectivity:

Functional connectivity refers to the statistical relationship between different brain regions' activity, often measured using fMRI. It can:

Provide insights into how different brain regions coordinate to support various cognitive functions.

Be altered in various neurological and psychiatric conditions, providing potential biomarkers for these conditions.

3. Human Connectome:

The human connectome is essentially a 'wiring diagram' of the brain. It maps the structural connections (white matter tracts) between different brain regions.

Advanced imaging techniques like diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have been pivotal in mapping these connections.

The Human Connectome Project aims to provide an in-depth map of the brain's connectivity, advancing our understanding of human brain function.

4. A Map of the Emotions:

Mapping emotions to specific brain regions is a complex endeavor due to the intertwined nature of emotion, cognition, and perception. However, some general observations include:

The amygdala plays a crucial role in fear and emotional processing.

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and insula are involved in empathy and the emotional aspect of pain.

The prefrontal cortex is vital for regulating emotions and making decisions based on emotional inputs.

The hypothalamus and associated regions play roles in more primal emotions related to survival and homeostasis.

As neuroscience research progresses, our understanding of these areas deepens. Importantly, it's becoming increasingly clear that the brain functions as an interconnected network, with intricate interactions between regions supporting our rich cognitive and emotional lives.

Human Connectome - Part 2 | Functional Connectivity

Functional Connectivity

Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Consciousness | Functional Connectivity 

Functional Connectivity

Eye Tracking | Eye Tracking

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior. Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data. Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects

Eye Tracking Interact | Eye Tracking

Neuroscience of Perception 1/2 | Self Perception

Self Perception

Self Perception True and Fake News | Self Perception

Self Perception

A Map of the Emotions | Self Perception

Self Perception



00:00:00 - 05:22:00

Functional Connectivity


05:22:00 - 08:09:00

Functional Connectivity


08:09:00 - 12:24:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


12:24:00 - 16:17:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


16:17:00 - 19:27:00

Self Perception


19:27:00 - 22:42:00

Self Perception


22:42:00 - 23:59:00

Self Perception

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Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States