Jackson Cionek

Neuroscience of Consciousness Overt and Covert Attention - Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation, Resilience and Empathy in the Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito

Neuroscience of Consciousness Overt and Covert Attention - Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation,  Resilience and Empathy in the Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito

Como a Metacognição, Resiliência e Empatia atuam no combate a Fake News?

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The relationship between consciousness and attention, particularly overt and covert attention, is a subject of ongoing research in neuroscience and psychology. Here's a basic breakdown of the concepts and their relation to consciousness:

Consciousness: This is often described as subjective awareness of the world and one's own existence within it. There's a distinction between phenomenal consciousness (raw experience or qualia) and access consciousness (the processing of information in such a way that it can be used by the individual and reported).

Overt Attention: This refers to the direction of sensory and cognitive resources towards a stimulus that is directly looked at. For example, when you turn your eyes and head to look at something, you are engaging in overt attention.

Covert Attention: This refers to the direction of sensory and cognitive resources towards a stimulus without directly looking at it. It's like when you're looking forward but paying attention to something in your peripheral vision.

Here's how these concepts interplay:

Attention as a Gateway to Consciousness: One prevailing idea in cognitive science is that attention acts as a kind of spotlight, highlighting specific pieces of information for further processing and potentially bringing them into conscious awareness. Not everything we pay attention to becomes conscious, and not everything we're conscious of is the focus of our attention. However, attention can increase the likelihood that a stimulus will enter our conscious awareness.

Neural Mechanisms: Neuroimaging studies have found that different brain regions are activated during tasks that involve overt versus covert attention. The parietal lobe, particularly the superior parietal lobule and the intraparietal sulcus, plays a crucial role in directing attention. Moreover, different networks, like the dorsal attention network (DAN) and the ventral attention network (VAN), get involved based on the attentional demand and type.

Limitations of Conscious Awareness: We can be aware of only a limited amount of information at any given time, despite the vast amount of information that our senses take in. Covert attention allows us to monitor parts of our environment that aren't currently the focus of our overt attention and potentially bring crucial information from those areas into our conscious awareness.

Distracted Consciousness: Sometimes, even if we're overtly attending to something (like reading a book), our covert attention can get caught by something else (like a conversation happening nearby), pulling our conscious awareness away from what we were doing.

Implications in Real-world Scenarios: A common scenario where overt and covert attention interplay is driving. While a driver might be overtly attending to the road ahead, their covert attention might pick up a pedestrian trying to cross the street from the side, prompting the driver to react.

The dynamics of overt and covert attention and their relationship to consciousness continue to be a topic of study. With advances in neuroimaging and other techniques, our understanding of these processes and their neural underpinnings is becoming more refined.

Overt and Covert Attention | Consciência

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.

Consciousness | Consciência

Neuroscience of Consciousness | Consciência

Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation | Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity I 

Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity I

Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation | Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity II Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity II

Plasticity, neurofeedback and neuromodulation| Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity III Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity III

Estado Responsável Laico Democrático e de Direito | Jackson Cionek

Sua Percepção é Sua Realidade

Sua percepção possui 6 variáveis fundamentais:

1 - Conectoma Cerebral;

2 - Nível de atividade de seus 11 sentidos;

3 - Memórias pre-ativadas;

4 - O nível de atenção;

5 - O estímulo apresentado;

6 - Sua Consciência é um Viés da sua Percepção;

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Perda da Soberania Nacional



00:00:00 - 02:13:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.


02:13:00 - 04:59:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.


04:59:00 - 08:37:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.


08:37:00 - 12:44:00

Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity I


12:44:00 - 15:55:00

Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity II


15:55:00 - 19:19:00

Resilience, Empathy, Plasticity III


19:19:00 - 23:59:00

Sua Perecepção é Sua Realidade - Aprenda a mudar sua PercepçãoSua percepção possui 5 variáveis fundamentais:1 - Conectoma Cerebral;2 - Nível de atividade de seus 11 sentidos;3 - Memórias pre-ativadas;4 - O nível de atenção;5 - O estímulo apresentado;Veja os links abaixo:Pós Verdade e a Morte de Deus OriginalEstado Responsável Laico Democrático e de DireitoDeus a Verdade está entre nós - Nunca em nósReligare Politics and NeuroscienceConsciousness in First-PersonSer Humano é Ser Racional?Deus Laico Democrático e de DireitoConsciência no Corpo, Alma e Espírito sem Vida após a MortePerda da Soberania Nacional

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Jackson Cionek

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