Jackson Cionek

Neuroscience 2023 The Microbiome Mind and Brain Interactions, Cracking the Mind and Behavioral Research - Mirror neurons and EEG Data Analysis, EEG MicroStates ERP

Neuroscience 2023 The Microbiome Mind and Brain Interactions, Cracking the Mind and Behavioral Research - Mirror neurons and EEG Data Analysis, EEG MicroStates ERP

Neuroscience 2023 Microbiome Mind Brain Interactions Behavioral Research
Neuroscience 2023 Microbiome Mind Brain Interactions Behavioral Research

How emotion, habits, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories?

Emotion Habits Motivation Expectations
Emotion Habits Motivation Expectations

The interactions between the microbiome, the mind, and the brain represent an emerging and exciting field of research often referred to as "psychobiotics." The human microbiome, especially the gut microbiome, has been found to have significant implications for brain function and behavior, which has broadened our understanding of the gut-brain axis. Here's a closer look at how this interaction is understood:

Gut-Brain Axis

Communication Pathways: The gut and brain communicate through various pathways including the vagus nerve, immune system, enteric nervous system, and through the production of microbial metabolites and neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters: Certain gut bacteria are known to produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which can affect mood and behavior.

Inflammation: Gut bacteria influence the immune system, and inflammation has been linked to several psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

Stress Response: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls reactions to stress, is also influenced by gut bacteria.

Microbiome and Mental Health

Mood Disorders: Research suggests a correlation between the composition of the gut microbiome and conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Cognitive Functions: Studies in animals have shown that gut bacteria can impact memory and cognitive flexibility.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders: There is evidence to suggest that the microbiome may play a role in the development of conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Modulating the Microbiome for Brain Health

Probiotics and Prebiotics: The intake of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and the nutrients that feed them (prebiotics) are being investigated for their potential to improve mental health outcomes.

Diet: Since diet is a major determinant of microbiome composition, research is focusing on how dietary changes can affect brain health.

Antibiotics and Microbiome Disruption: The use of antibiotics and their potential to disrupt the gut microbiome is a subject of concern regarding long-term brain health.

Challenges in Microbiome Research

Causation vs. Correlation: While there are strong associations between the microbiome and brain health, establishing causation is challenging. It’s not always clear whether changes in the microbiome cause mental health issues, or if they are a consequence of them.

Individual Variability: The microbiome is highly personalized, making standardized treatments difficult. What works for one individual may not work for another.

Complex Ecosystem: The microbiome consists of a vast array of microorganisms, all interacting in complex ways that are not yet fully understood.

Future Research and Applications

Personalized Medicine: Understanding individual microbiomes could lead to personalized diet and treatment plans for mental health disorders.

Novel Therapeutics: Exploration of new psychobiotics could yield treatments that are more natural and with fewer side effects compared to traditional psychopharmacology.

Biomarkers: Identifying microbial patterns that predict mental health conditions could lead to new diagnostic tools.

Ethical and Social Considerations

Accessibility: There is a need to ensure that advancements in microbiome research benefit all parts of society, not just those who can afford them.

Data Privacy: With the personal nature of microbiome data, there is a need for strict privacy protections.

Misinformation: As with many emerging sciences, there is the potential for misunderstanding and misinformation about the role of the microbiome in health and disease.

In summary, the understanding of the microbiome's influence on the mind and brain is expanding rapidly, offering new perspectives on mental health and potential pathways for innovative treatments. As research continues to uncover the intricate connections between our internal ecosystems and our mental well-being, we could see a paradigm shift in how we approach mental health conditions.

The concepts of mirror neurons, EEG (Electroencephalography) data analysis, EEG microstates, and ERP (Event-Related Potentials) are important in the field of neuroscience for understanding brain activity and its correlation with cognitive functions and behaviors.

Mirror Neurons

Mirror neurons are a specific type of neuron that fires both when an individual acts and when the individual observes the same action performed by another. This mirroring of behavior suggests these neurons play a role in understanding others' actions, intentions, and emotions, and they may be fundamental in the processes of empathy and social cognition.

EEG Data Analysis

EEG is a non-invasive method used to measure the electrical activity of the brain via electrodes placed on the scalp. EEG data analysis involves interpreting these electrical signals to understand brain activity patterns during different cognitive and behavioral processes.

Frequency Bands: EEG data is often analyzed in terms of frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma), each associated with different states of consciousness and cognitive processes.

Artifact Rejection: Part of analyzing EEG data involves identifying and removing artifacts, which are non-brain signals caused by muscle movement, eye blinks, or technical issues.

EEG Microstates

EEG microstates are brief periods of stable scalp potential topographies, typically lasting around 60-120 milliseconds. They are thought to be the "atoms of thought," representing the smallest building blocks of cognitive processes.

Microstate Classes: Typically, there are four classes of microstates (labeled A, B, C, and D) that have been linked to different aspects of brain processing, such as attention and resting state networks.

Correlation with Brain Networks: Recent research has linked microstates to resting-state networks identified with fMRI, suggesting a relationship between transient EEG patterns and longer-lasting functional connectivity patterns in the brain.

ERP (Event-Related Potentials)

ERPs are changes in the brain's electrical activity in response to specific sensory, cognitive, or motor events and are derived from the EEG. They are used to study the timing and sequence of brain activity during perception and cognition.

Components: ERPs consist of multiple waves or components, each associated with different aspects of processing, such as the P300 component, which is related to attention and the evaluation of stimulus significance.

Integration in Research

Mirror Neurons and EEG: EEG may not directly measure the activity of mirror neurons (since they are identified at the single-neuron level, typically in animal studies or with invasive human brain recordings), but EEG studies often investigate phenomena related to what mirror neurons are believed to represent, like empathy and imitation learning.

EEG Microstates and Mirror Neuron Activity: There might be a speculative link between EEG microstates and the functioning of mirror neurons, in that mirror neurons could be contributing to the rapid, transient states reflected in EEG microstates during social cognition tasks.

ERPs and Mirror Neurons: ERPs can be used to measure how quickly and robustly the brain responds to seeing actions performed by others, which may be relevant to the understanding of how mirror neurons function in social cognition.

Researchers use advanced statistical and signal processing techniques to analyze EEG data, which allows them to infer which brain processes are engaged during different tasks, and how these processes might be related to the functions associated with mirror neurons, such as understanding the actions and intentions of others. The use of machine learning and complex algorithms is increasing the potential for discovering subtle patterns within EEG signals, potentially offering new insights into how the brain operates in social contexts and beyond.

Neuroscience Girls | Behavioral Research

Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology | How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories | Neuromarketing |Research Learning and memory | Behavioral Motivate | 

Behavioral Motivate | Behavioral Research

Behavioral Research Lab | Behavioral Research

Mirror Neurons | Behavioral Research 

Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology | How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories | Neuromarketing |Research Learning and memory | Behavioral Motivate | 

Video Sync Lab | Video Sync Lab

EEG Data Analysis I | EEG Data Analysis

EEG Data AnalysisAnalyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalBESA Research:Data review and processing for reviewing and processing of your EEG or MEG data. Digital filtering: high, low, and narrow band pass, notch. Interpolation from recorded to virtual and source channels.Automated EOG and EKG artifact detection and correction. Advanced user-defined instantaneous artifact correction. Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping. Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Decomposition of EEG/MEG data into ICA components that can be used for artifact correction and as spatial sources in the source analysis window. Connectivity analysis, a unique feature for viewing brain activity, transforms surface signals into brain activity using source montages derived from multiple source models or beamformer imaging. This allows displaying ongoing EEG/MEG, single epochs, and averages with much higher spatial resolution. Source montages and 3D whole-head mapping. ERP analysis and averaging. Source localization and source imaging. Individual MRI and fMRI integration with BESA MRI and BrainVoyager. Source coherence and time-frequency analysis

PLAY ALL The Microbiome Mind and Brain Interactions | Neuroscience 2023

Neuroscience 2023



00:00:00 - 01:39:00

Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology | How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories | Neuromarketing |Research Learning and memory | Behavioral Motivate | 


01:39:00 - 02:53:00

Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology | How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories | Neuromarketing |Research Learning and memory | Behavioral Motivate | 


02:53:00 - 06:39:00

Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology | How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories | Neuromarketing |Research Learning and memory | Behavioral Motivate | 


06:39:00 - 09:32:00

Behavioral Research |Cracking the Mind | Mirror neurons | Organização social dos insetos | Neuroscience behind helping | Neurobiology | Neuroscience | Psychologie, Linguistique | Emotions and Cognition |Neuroplasticity | EEG and Behavior | electrical activity of the brain | Experimental Psychology | How emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories | Neuromarketing |Research Learning and memory | Behavioral Motivate | 


09:32:00 - 11:32:00

Video Sync Lab


11:32:00 - 15:09:00

EEG Data AnalysisAnalyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalBESA Research:Data review and processing for reviewing and processing of your EEG or MEG data. Digital filtering: high, low, and narrow band pass, notch. Interpolation from recorded to virtual and source channels.Automated EOG and EKG artifact detection and correction. Advanced user-defined instantaneous artifact correction. Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping. Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Decomposition of EEG/MEG data into ICA components that can be used for artifact correction and as spatial sources in the source analysis window. Connectivity analysis, a unique feature for viewing brain activity, transforms surface signals into brain activity using source montages derived from multiple source models or beamformer imaging. This allows displaying ongoing EEG/MEG, single epochs, and averages with much higher spatial resolution. Source montages and 3D whole-head mapping. ERP analysis and averaging. Source localization and source imaging. Individual MRI and fMRI integration with BESA MRI and BrainVoyager. Source coherence and time-frequency analysis


15:09:00 - 23:59:00

Neuroscience 2023

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States