Jackson Cionek

NeuroEconomics, Neuromarketing for childs, Decision Making, Capitalism in the 21st century - BESA EEG Data Analysis for EEG ERP P300 N400 FFT ICA Wavelets LORETA research

NeuroEconomics, Neuromarketing for childs, Decision Making, Capitalism in the 21st century - BESA EEG Data Analysis  for EEG ERP P300 N400 FFT ICA  Wavelets LORETA  research

Relationship between Universal Income Neuromarketing for children Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money and Capitalism in the 21st century
Relationship between Universal Income Neuromarketing for children Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money and Capitalism in the 21st century

¿Cuál es la relación entre Renta Universal, Neuromarketing para niños, Creación de Dinero, Valoración y Valor Social del Dinero y Capitalismo en el siglo XXI?


Definition: Neuroeconomics is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to explain human decision-making, the ability to process multiple alternatives and to follow a course of action. It combines research methods from neuroscience, experimental and behavioral economics, and cognitive and social psychology.


Relevance in the 21st Century: In this century, with the advancement of neuroimaging techniques and computational modeling, neuroeconomics has the potential to provide deeper insights into individual and collective decision-making processes, which can significantly impact economic theories and policies. It helps in understanding how economic behaviors are driven by neural systems and how these systems are influenced by various factors such as social norms and corporate tactics.



Definition: Neuromarketing involves the application of neuroscience and psychological principles to direct users to convert through better content structures, visual stories, and user-centric strategies. It often uses neuroimaging techniques to study responses to marketing stimuli.


Neuromarketing for Children:


Ethical Considerations: Applying neuromarketing to children is a contentious issue due to the vulnerability of this group. There are serious ethical considerations regarding the manipulative potential of these strategies.

Education and Literacy: To counteract potential negative effects, there could be an emphasis on fostering media literacy in children, helping them to critically assess and understand marketing content.

Positive Applications: It can also be used for positive applications such as developing educational content that is more engaging and effective for children.

Decision Making

Definition: Decision making involves choosing between different courses of action based on the evaluation of available information, personal preferences, and other factors.


Relevance in the 21st Century:


Information Overload: In the modern world, individuals are bombarded with a huge amount of information which can sometimes make decision-making more complex.

Technology and Decision Making: Advances in technology are also influencing decision-making processes, with AI and data analytics playing an increasing role in helping individuals and organizations make informed decisions.

Capitalism in the 21st Century

Definition: Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. It includes capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, and wage labor.


Globalization: Capitalism in the 21st century is significantly marked by globalization, which has increased the interconnectedness of markets and economies.

Income Inequality: One of the notable issues in modern capitalism is the growing income and wealth inequality, which has been exacerbated in many regions globally.

Sustainability and Responsibility: There is also a growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices, as concerns about environmental degradation and social inequalities have become more prominent.


Neuroeconomics and Decision Making: Neuroeconomics can provide insights into the neural basis of decision-making, which can be applied in various contexts including marketing and economic policy-making.

Neuromarketing and Capitalism: In the capitalist economy, neuromarketing can be seen as a tool used by corporations to maximize profit by understanding and influencing consumer behavior at a neural level.

Decision Making and Capitalism: The decision-making processes of individuals, as consumers and as participants in the labor market, are central to the functioning of the capitalist economy.

Children in the 21st Century Capitalism: Understanding how children are influenced by marketing strategies and fostering critical thinking skills can be an important aspect of fostering responsible consumption and citizenship in the 21st-century capitalist society.

Considering these intricate connections and the evolution of these fields, research and discourse in these areas are important for shaping a society that leverages advancements in neuroscience and economics for the greater good, especially focusing on ethical considerations and sustainable development.


Analyzing EEG data using BESA (Brain Electrical Source Analysis) software entails utilizing a range of sophisticated techniques and methodologies to decode and understand the recorded electrical activity from the human brain. Here, I will detail the steps and strategies you might use to analyze various aspects of EEG data such as ERP (Event-Related Potentials) components like P300 and N400, and implementing methods like FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), ICA (Independent Component Analysis), wavelets, and LORETA (Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography) in a research setting.


Preliminary Steps:

1. Data Collection

Participants: Ensure that your participants are appropriately selected, and the data collection follows the standard protocols.

EEG Recording: Collect EEG data using suitable electrodes and settings.

2. Data Import and Preprocessing

Importing Data: Import the EEG data into the BESA software.

Artifact Rejection: Apply artifact rejection techniques to eliminate noise from eye movements, muscle activity, etc.

Filtering: Apply necessary filters to remove unwanted frequency components.

Detailed Analysis:

3. ERP Analysis (P300, N400)

Segmentation: Segment the continuous EEG data into epochs centered around the events of interest.

Baseline Correction: Apply baseline correction to normalize the data.

P300 Analysis:

Stimulus: Use a task that is known to elicit a P300 response (e.g., oddball task).

Identification and Measurement: Identify and measure the P300 component, usually found as a positive deflection occurring approximately 300ms post-stimulus.

N400 Analysis:

Stimulus: Use linguistic stimuli to elicit N400 components (e.g., semantic anomaly sentences).

Identification and Measurement: Identify and measure the N400 component, usually observed as a negative deflection around 400ms post-stimulus in centro-parietal regions.

4. Frequency Analysis (FFT)

FFT Analysis: Use FFT to transform time-domain data into the frequency domain to analyze the spectral components of the EEG signals.

Power Spectrum: Study the power spectrum to identify the power distribution across different frequency bands.

5. Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

ICA Decomposition: Apply ICA to decompose the EEG data into independent components.

Artifact Removal: Use ICA to identify and remove artifacts like eye blinks and heartbeats.

Source Localization: Use ICA weights for source localization.

6. Wavelet Analysis

Wavelet Transformation: Use wavelet transformation to analyze the EEG data in both time and frequency domains.

Time-Frequency Representation: Create time-frequency representations to study event-related oscillations and synchrony.

7. LORETA Analysis

Source Localization: Apply LORETA to estimate the sources of the electrical activity in the brain.

3D Brain Imaging: Create 3D brain images to visualize the localized sources.

Post Analysis:

8. Statistical Analysis

Comparative Analysis: Perform statistical analyses to compare conditions or groups.

Correlational Analysis: Conduct correlational analyses to identify relationships between variables.

9. Reporting and Interpretation

Results Presentation: Present the results in a coherent manner, including graphs, tables, and images.

Discussion and Conclusion: Discuss the findings and conclude the study, pointing out the implications and limitations.

Additional Tips:

Training and Practice: Before diving into your analysis, take time to familiarize yourself with the BESA software through tutorials and practice datasets.

Collaboration and Expertise: Collaborate with experts in the field to get guidance and insights during the analysis process.

Documentation and Version Control: Keep thorough documentation of your analysis procedures and maintain version control to track changes and developments.

By following this structured approach, you should be able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of EEG data using BESA software for research on ERP components (like P300 and N400) and implement methods like FFT, ICA, wavelets, and LORETA.


BESA 1/2 | EEG Data Analysis

EEG Data Analysis:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalBESA Research:Data review and processing for reviewing and processing of your EEG or MEG data. Digital filtering: high, low, and narrow band pass, notch. Interpolation from recorded to virtual and source channels.Automated EOG and EKG artifact detection and correction. Advanced user-defined instantaneous artifact correction. Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping. Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Decomposition of EEG/MEG data into ICA components that can be used for artifact correction and as spatial sources in the source analysis window. Connectivity analysis, a unique feature for viewing brain activity, transforms surface signals into brain activity using source montages derived from multiple source models or beamformer imaging. This allows displaying ongoing EEG/MEG, single epochs, and averages with much higher spatial resolution. Source montages and 3D whole-head mapping. ERP analysis and averaging. Source localization and source imaging. Individual MRI and fMRI integration with BESA MRI and BrainVoyager. Source coherence and time-frequency analysis

BESA 2/2 | EEG Data Analysis

Neuromarketing Speakers | Decision Making 

Decision Making

Neuromarketing for childs | Decision Making

Decision Making

Capitalism in the 21st century | NeuroEconomics

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Money Creation Value and Social Value of Money Capitalism in the 21st century Chicago Boys

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00:00:00 - 02:32:00

EEG Data AnalysisAnalyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalBESA Research:Data review and processing for reviewing and processing of your EEG or MEG data. Digital filtering: high, low, and narrow band pass, notch. Interpolation from recorded to virtual and source channels.Automated EOG and EKG artifact detection and correction. Advanced user-defined instantaneous artifact correction. Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping. Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Decomposition of EEG/MEG data into ICA components that can be used for artifact correction and as spatial sources in the source analysis window. Connectivity analysis, a unique feature for viewing brain activity, transforms surface signals into brain activity using source montages derived from multiple source models or beamformer imaging. This allows displaying ongoing EEG/MEG, single epochs, and averages with much higher spatial resolution. Source montages and 3D whole-head mapping. ERP analysis and averaging. Source localization and source imaging. Individual MRI and fMRI integration with BESA MRI and BrainVoyager. Source coherence and time-frequency analysis


02:32:00 - 06:05:00

EEG Data AnalysisAnalyzer:Analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalBESA Research:Data review and processing for reviewing and processing of your EEG or MEG data. Digital filtering: high, low, and narrow band pass, notch. Interpolation from recorded to virtual and source channels.Automated EOG and EKG artifact detection and correction. Advanced user-defined instantaneous artifact correction. Spectral analysis: FFT, DSA, power and phase mapping. Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Decomposition of EEG/MEG data into ICA components that can be used for artifact correction and as spatial sources in the source analysis window. Connectivity analysis, a unique feature for viewing brain activity, transforms surface signals into brain activity using source montages derived from multiple source models or beamformer imaging. This allows displaying ongoing EEG/MEG, single epochs, and averages with much higher spatial resolution. Source montages and 3D whole-head mapping. ERP analysis and averaging. Source localization and source imaging. Individual MRI and fMRI integration with BESA MRI and BrainVoyager. Source coherence and time-frequency analysis


06:05:00 - 07:31:00

Decision Making


07:31:00 - 10:30:00

Decision Making


10:30:00 - 14:11:00

Decision Making


14:11:00 - 18:30:00

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18:30:00 - 22:45:00

Money CreationValue and Social Value of MoneyCapitalism in the 21st centuryChicago Boys


22:45:00 - 23:59:00

Money CreationValue and Social Value of MoneyCapitalism in the 21st centuryChicago Boys

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Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States