Jackson Cionek

Cognitive Neuroscience Addicted Brain Improving Cognitive Thinking For A Better Life - NIRS BCI fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs

Cognitive Neuroscience Addicted Brain Improving Cognitive Thinking For A Better Life - NIRS BCI fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles and Experimental Designs

Como a Fruição e Metacognição podem ajustar as Memórias Transgeracionais do Trauma?

Fruition and Metacognition adjusting Transgenerational Trauma Memories
Fruition and Metacognition adjusting Transgenerational Trauma Memories

NIRS BCI fNIRS Scientific Question
NIRS BCI fNIRS Scientific Question

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) are neuroimaging techniques used to study brain function. Here's a basic overview of the scientific questions it can address, its physical principles, and common experimental designs:


Scientific Question:

Brain Activation and Connectivity: fNIRS is primarily used to measure cortical activation by assessing changes in oxygenation levels in the brain during cognitive, motor, or sensory tasks.

Clinical Applications: fNIRS can be used to study a variety of neurological and psychiatric conditions, including developmental disorders, brain injuries, and dementia.

Neurodevelopment: fNIRS is particularly useful for studying infants and children due to its non-invasive nature and portability.

Physical Principles:

fNIRS is based on the principle that when neural activity increases, there is an associated increase in blood flow to the activated region. This leads to changes in the concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (HbR).

Absorption of Near-Infrared Light: Hemoglobin absorbs light in the near-infrared range. The level of absorption differs for oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin.

Light Scattering: When near-infrared light is shone on the scalp, it penetrates the skull and scatters within the brain tissue. A portion of this light is scattered back and detected by sensors placed on the scalp.

Measurement of Concentration Changes: By measuring the changes in the intensity of the returned light over time, one can infer changes in the concentrations of HbO and HbR, providing an indication of brain activity.

Experimental Designs:

Block Design: This is one of the most common designs where a specific task is alternated with a rest or control condition. This allows for the comparison of brain activation during the task versus the control condition.

Event-Related Design: In this design, stimuli are presented in a more randomized manner, and the response to each individual stimulus is measured. This design can provide more detailed temporal information.

Resting-State: In this design, participants are asked to rest without focusing on any particular task. This can be used to examine intrinsic connectivity networks in the brain.

Real-time Monitoring: Due to the portability of some fNIRS systems, it can be used to monitor brain activity during real-world tasks, such as walking.

Advantages and Limitations:


Non-invasive and safe, making it suitable for various populations including infants and individuals with medical implants.

Portable and less sensitive to movement than techniques like fMRI, allowing for more naturalistic experiments.


Limited to measuring cortical (surface) brain activity.

Spatial resolution is lower than techniques like fMRI.

Susceptible to artifacts from skin blood flow, motion, and other non-brain factors.

In summary, fNIRS offers a versatile tool for researchers interested in examining brain function, especially in populations or contexts where other neuroimaging modalities might be less feasible. As with all techniques, the choice to use fNIRS should be based on the specific scientific question and the advantages and limitations of the method

Neural Mechanisms of Addiction:

Addiction is understood as a disease that affects the brain, leading to a compulsive desire to use a substance or engage in certain behaviors despite harmful consequences.

Key brain areas implicated in addiction include the reward system (e.g., nucleus accumbens), the prefrontal cortex (involved in decision-making and impulse control), and the amygdala (related to emotional responses).

Neuroplasticity and Addiction:

Chronic use of drugs or addictive behaviors can result in neuroplastic changes in the brain, meaning that the structure and function of the brain's circuits are altered. These changes can impair cognitive functions and make it more difficult for the person to quit the addictive behavior.

Some drugs, like cocaine and methamphetamine, can cause cognitive deficits even after cessation, affecting memory, attention, and decision-making.

Strategies for Improving Cognitive Thinking in the Context of Addiction:

Cognitive Rehabilitation: This can involve structured tasks or exercises designed to enhance memory, attention, and executive functions.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices that promote awareness can help in reducing impulsivity and cravings, and they've been shown to be effective in addiction treatment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This form of therapy can help individuals recognize and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior related to their addiction.

Pharmacological Interventions: Some medications might aid in restoring cognitive function or reduce cravings.

Physical Activity: Exercise can help in enhancing neuroplasticity, improve mood, and reduce cravings.

Healthy Diet and Nutrition: Proper nutrition can support brain health and improve cognitive functions. Omega-3 fatty acids, for instance, are known to benefit brain function.

The Role of Metacognition:

Being aware of one's thought processes and having the ability to analyze and adapt them can be particularly beneficial for those with addiction. Understanding triggers, recognizing flawed thinking patterns, and using strategies to cope can be a big part of recovery.

Social and Environmental Factors:

A supportive environment, positive social connections, and avoiding triggers are crucial for both cognitive recovery and preventing relapse.

Engaging in meaningful activities can redirect focus, provide a sense of purpose, and stimulate cognitive processes.

Continued Education and Cognitive Challenge:

Engaging in learning activities, puzzles, reading, and other mentally stimulating activities can combat cognitive decline and promote cognitive resilience.

In conclusion, understanding the cognitive neuroscience of the addicted brain is essential not only for devising strategies to combat addiction but also for improving overall cognitive health. It's a holistic approach that considers the brain's plasticity, the individual's environment, behaviors, and cognition. By employing a multifaceted strategy, individuals can move past addiction and enhance their cognitive capabilities, leading to a richer, more fulfilling life.

Cognitive Neuroscience | Cognitive Neuroscience

7 Tips for Improving Cognitive Thinking This guide provides detailed insights and resources on the following topics:- Overview of Cognitive Thinking- Primary Cognitive Processes- Stages Of Cognitive Development- Tips For Boosting Cognitive Thinking - Improve Your Cognition For A Better Life

Addicted Brain | Cognitive Neuroscience


NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagen óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS Neurodesenvolvimento NIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022

NIRS fNIRS Webinars 2022 | NIRS fNIRS BCI


Memórias Transgeracionais do Trauma | Neuroscience 2023 - 16:41 - 23:59

Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam HighlightsNeuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSNeuroscience 2022 EEG NIRS for researchNeuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERPEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.



00:00:00 - 02:23:00

7 Tips for Improving Cognitive ThinkingThis guide provides detailed insights and resources on the following topics:- Overview of Cognitive Thinking- Primary Cognitive Processes- Stages Of Cognitive Development- Tips For Boosting Cognitive Thinking- Improve Your Cognition For A Better Life


02:23:00 - 07:53:00

7 Tips for Improving Cognitive ThinkingThis guide provides detailed insights and resources on the following topics:- Overview of Cognitive Thinking- Primary Cognitive Processes- Stages Of Cognitive Development- Tips For Boosting Cognitive Thinking- Improve Your Cognition For A Better Life


07:53:00 - 09:48:00

NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


09:48:00 - 16:41:00

NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


16:41:00 - 23:59:00

Neuroscience 2022Neuroscience 2022 Lectures - Brain Support Latam HighlightsNeuroscience 2022 NIRS Publication NIRS-fNIRSNeuroscience 2022 EEG NIRS for researchNeuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERPEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States